The one thing jay papasan
The one thing jay papasan

the one thing jay papasan

  • Geometric (as opposed to linear) progression is possible with dominos, where something that starts too slow to notice becomes too fast to stop and powerful in toppling big things.
  • This doesn’t mean giving up on big dreams.
  • Go small - extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus.
  • When the company that Keller built was in trouble, he found help in a coach who gave him a bird’s-eye view to show how he only had to do one thing: fill 14 positions with new faces, to radically transform his company, his job and his life. If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one - Russian proverb

    the one thing jay papasan

    Let me know if this helps you and if so, how this helps you so that I know whether to continue sharing and how to share better.

    the one thing jay papasan

    To help the time pressed souls amongst you, I've bolded the big ideas and underlined my key takeaways below.

    The one thing jay papasan