Quozl experience overpopulation in their native world and send generation-ships to colonize other planets. My hope is that in the distant future, when humans finally do encounter aliens, that the meeting will be as pleasant as the one in this enjoyable story.The Quozl are an alien race secretly settling on Earth, featured into the homonym novel wrote by Alan Dean Foster in 1989. I enjoyed it, and I think that you will, too. Quozl is a nice diversion from all of the heavy, militaristic science fiction being produced these days. The author also deftly handles a story that covers many years.

All of the characters, human and alien, are fleshed out (furred out?) and you wind-up caring for all of them. What makes Quozl such a satisfying book is the way Alan Dean Foster as developed an entire history and culture for the aliens, yet doesn’t let it bog-down the story. One curious, young Quazl sneaks out - and first contact is made with a young boy. The aliens forbid anyone to leave the underground burrow.

Hence, I consider the book appropriate for teenagers. This is mentioned, but not elaborated upon, throughout the story. The Quozl are rabbit like, in many ways including - you guessed it - their sexual appetite. The Quozl land in a nearly deserted area of a national forest, burrow into the ground, and hope they won’t be discovered for hundreds of years.

Unbeknownst to the Quozl, Earth already has an intelligent (well, somewhat) species occupying it. A multi-generational interstellar ship is programmed for Earth. Adults and young adults will enjoy this pleasant novel of first contact (both of the humans, and the Quozl) and how the Quozl are finally introduced to humanity at large.

Quozl is a lighthearted science fiction tale of a race of alien “rabbits” who land on Earth, go into hiding, and finally reveal themselves. Finally! Good news: Open Road Media is releasing a Kindle edition of Quozl, by Alan Dean Foster (Amazon link).