

OL23641W Page-progression lr Pages 262 Ppi 350 Related-external-id urn:isbn:0425035360 Donorīlogistics Edition Perigree trade paperback ed. Binding: Paperback Binding: Paperback Publisher: Publication Date: January 28, 1980. 4.00 shipping to USA Amphigorey Also by Gorey, Edward. Unpaginated 4to, pictorial boards, dust wrapper.


Beautifully depicted.Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 17:50:57 Bookplateleaf 0008 Boxid IA1649701 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II City New York, N.Y. Amphigorey Also Gorey, Edward Illustrated in color and black & white. Review Quotes PRAISE FOR EDWARD GOREY A master of a genre of graphic storytelling a brilliant draftsman.-The New York Times Book Review Dark masterpieces of surreal morality. Rough sketches and unfinished panels show an ironic and singular mind at work. As always, Gorey's cross-hatched pen and. The title of this second volume of Edward Gorey's collected works stems from the word amphigory, meaning a nonsense verse. Amphigorey Again contains previously uncollected work and two unpublished stories-The Izzard Book, a quirky riff on the letter Z, and La Malle Saignante, a bilingual homage to early French silent serial movies. Buy a cheap copy of Amphigorey Too book by Edward Gorey. Figbash is acrobatic, topiaries are tragic, hippopotami are admonitory, and galoshes are remorseful in this celebration of a unique talent that never fails to delight, amuse, and confound. Book Synopsis This collection displays in glorious abundance the offbeat characters and droll humor of Edward Gorey. This latest collection displays in glorious abundance the offbeat characters and droll humor of Edward Gorey. About the Book Figbash is acrobatic, topiaries are tragic, hippopotami are admonitory, and galoshes are remorseful in this celebration of a unique talent that never fails to delight, amuse, and confound readers.
